Senior meeting, Nov 18th

On Saturday, the 18th of November, the senior citizens of our church met to celebrate the round birthdays of several of their dear sisters and brothers. This year Elizabeth Wiselka celebrated her 80th birthday, and Ursula Polok and Helena Polok celebrated their 60th birthdays, as well as Brother Jerzy Wrzecionko.

The first song:
“When hope joy enters the children of God ….
There will be victory, glory and joy song.”

This is the kind of life we can live to be a help and example to the youth. Strengthen fellowship among ourselves, so that nothing can separate us.

Brother Jerzy P. read from Phil.1. 4-7 “Always in every prayer of mine for all of you, praying with joy for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.” We stand in different circumstances, each in his own place, and one encourages, supports and prays for the other. We have a very important task to fight in prayers for our youth, children. We don’t have to be idle in our old age.

Brother Piotr said that we can convey with our lives to the young that it is always possible to be content, joyful. To have such a testimony as David put it in Psalm 16.5-6 “My portion fell in lovely places, also my inheritance pleases me.” We can use this time to let the Word perform in us.

From James 3.17-18, Brother Witold read about the wisdom that is from above. It is fitting that in old age we gain only such wisdom, not human wisdom, which is biased, mundane.

Each brother gave thanks for the faithful life of the birthday boy and girl, wishing them continued blessings. After coffee and cake, we still had fellowship together, listening and singing uplifting songs. The refrain of one of them reads:

“Better than gold is faithfulness,
For she will give you her treasures,
Always in her you have peace,joy,
Fidelity is profit, with her bind your sense.”