Sunday service, May 7th

Song from Ways of the Lord No. 345:
“We thank You, God, for making us a way
Through Christ’s own flesh, to follow day by day.
From all the wise and prudent it’s concealed;
But to the babes and lowly it’s revealed.
Thanks for the trials—bitter, hard, and long;
They lead to peace and fill our lives with song.
Thanks, Lord, for grace to help in time of need;
You will uphold us till from sin we’re freed.”

Piotr Pilch
Romans 6:20-23: “For when you were servants of sin, you were far from righteousness. What benefit then did you have? One that you are now ashamed of, the end of which is death. But now, freed from sin, and placed in the service of God, you have a benefit in consecration, and eternal life as your end. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God’s grace is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The greatest thing that can be achieved is freedom from sin.
For most people, it is enough if they live a more or less good life. Sin wakes up from time to time, but most of the time it is hidden in corners. Let’s not be so superficial!
1 Peter 2:21-22: “For unto this ye are called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that ye should follow in his steps; he committed no sin, neither was treachery found in his mouth;”

Witold Czyz
How important it is to know what I want to work on! Maybe I am already satisfied with myself, I think that I have achieved a lot, and at the same time I treat others with prejudice being convinced that I have sacrificed much more than them, I think, I demand more favor towards myself, here and there I have reservations about brothers and sisters. Such thoughts expose my deficiency in Christ.

Oskar Pilch
1 Timothy 1:13: “Notwithstanding that before I was a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and an oppressor, yet I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly, in unbelief.”
When I seriously desire change, I have to be very critical of myself and admit that I am a “persecutor” in order to allow the Holy Spirit, who wants to build something new in God’s likeness, to take action.
Otherwise, I will not have progress on the road – even though I know the Word of God, it is not clear why I do not want to take up the cross on myself – I remain light-hearted, I do not see the need to strive.

Song from Ways of the Lord No. 75:
“A yearning, intense and unceasing,
Is fervently burning in me,
Dear Master, to Thee to be pleasing;
O may Thy work deeper yet be.
I cannot slack off, but press onward;
The goal I see yet from afar.
O depths of God’s wisdom and knowledge!
By faith all things possible are.”