Sunday service – Jan 16th
Brother Jerzy Polok began by admitting that there is darkness all around us, that the world is not improving, but

Sunday service, Jan 9th
Witold Czyz: Ez 43:10-11: “And you, son of man, describe to the house of Israel the temple, its appearance and

Service of Thanksgiving – New Year’s Eve
On the last day of the year, we gathered together to say goodbye to the outgoing 2021 and welcome the

Meeting of the brothers
Immediately before Christmas, the last evening service for the brothers was held.Excerpt from DP song 49:„But all who with gladness

Evening of carols
On the 19th of December, in the evening, a Christmas carol singing event was organized for married couples and singles

Christmas Eve for youth
On December 18, the long awaited Christmas Eve party for the youth was held. First we heard 2 Christmas songs

Christmas Eve for kids
On the 12th of December we held a Christmas celebration for the children. Children listened carefully to the story about

Sunday service
The service began with hymn #111:„:/: Lord, we praise Thee! :/:By Thy wisdom Thou didst call us to this wondrous

Senior meeting
On November 6, 2021, we had a gathering of seniors from our church. After a warm welcome, we were invited