Sunday service, Oct 23rd

Our joint service began with the song 459 “The Lord directs all things, the best He will give you”.
Brother Jurek P. referred to this song, saying how mighty things have come to pass for us, Eph.2;3-10. God who is rich in mercy has raised, revived and planted us in the circles of heaven. He has called us to walk in the good works prepared for us. Each of us is to fight our own battles in our own plot of land, not to judge our neighbor, to hold fast to the Word of God, then we can prophesy victory. Nothing will crush us to the ground.
Brother Peter P. read from 1st John 3;8-9, “He who is born of God commits no sin, for the seed of God is in him,…” When we hold fast to this Word, by faith in trials, we do not act according to our nature, but become more like Jesus.

Subsequent Brothers admonished to hold firmly to the vocation, to be good worthy of God’s seeding. We are to be pure crystal.

Bible Kids Explorers

The winter holidays are a special time for children, and it is especially for them that the February 4, 2024 service was prepared. We returned

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Bible Kids Explorers

On Saturday, 18.03.2023 we had a special event for children at the church, Bible Kids Explorers. Once again, we traveled back in time with Jack

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Bible Kids Explorers

Last October, together with Jack and Gina, we moved back in time to learn more about the story of Abraham. His faithfulness sparked a desire

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