General meeting, Jan 8th

On January 8, 2023, we met to pass a resolution regarding the establishment of the church in Ustroń and to review the distribution of the church’s assets and the budget for 2023. The meeting was opened by chairman Piotr Pilch who asked Jurek Polok to pray. After the election of the minutes taker and the handing over of the attendance list for signature, KOACH Secretary Leszek Czyż took the floor. He recalled that in connection with the process of transforming the church of firm Christians into KOACH – which took place last year in 2022 – the Church Council passed a resolution in which the Apostles of our Church were established, consisting of: Christoph Matulke, Tore Gangsø and Piotr Pilch, and then requested the establishment of churches in Ustroń and Wrocław.

In accordance with the new statute, the Council of Apostles appointed Piotr Pilch and Ruben Nooitgedagt as presidents of the churches, to which members were assigned on the basis of separate bylaws.

The next item of the meeting was the reading of the resolution appointing the church in Ustroń, after which a vote was taken. The resolution was passed unanimously. Then Roman Szalbot, treasurer of KOACH, presented the state of finances and our undertakings for 2023.

At the end of the meeting, Piotr Pilch thanked for the prayers offered for the church and for the peace in daily relationships, which testifies to the fact that the stones in God’s building fit one into the other. Each of us has been given our own talents to use. It doesn’t matter to God how many talents someone has, but what matters is faithfulness.

With wishes for God’s blessings in the new 2023 year, Piotr Pilch concluded the meeting of church members in Ustron.