“The word of the Lord’s promises awakens courage in us,
The powers release faith, sin must soon fall.
Zion is our goal, there we are headed.
Many heroes are waiting there, come and you too.”
Brother Jerzy Polok began by reading from 2 Cor. 2. 14-15.
“Thanks be to God, who always gives us victory in Christ And causes the fragrance of the knowledge of God to spread through us throughout the whole earth. Indeed, we are the fragrance of Christ to God among those who are saved and those who are condemned.”
It is very important that this fragrance of Christ radiates from us everywhere, at home, in the church, among friends and also at work and at school. This pleasant fragrance arises in battle when we are victorious. When I perceive something wrong in someone and the urge to speak about it, to admonish it, comes immediately, I have the opportunity not to let those thoughts prevail. I can pray for that person, and the Spirit will support me and show me how I can help. I become joyful and generate this pleasant fragrance.
Brother Piotr Pilch read from Heb.6:17-8 that it is impossible for God to fail. When something bad manifests itself in me, I know that God will come to my aid and give victory. However, it’s up to me not to fail, to make a covenant with the enemy and have that smell from the flesh appear. Every enemy has a command! I can cry out to God for help, humble myself and prevail.
More brothers and sisters expressed the same desire to live victoriously during their pilgrimage, so that an increasingly beautiful fragrance comes out of our lives. We long to serve, and when we see someone doing wrong, we don’t attack them, but run alongside to help them.