Sunday service, Aug. 25th

On Sunday, the 25th of August, we met at the church for a special service.

We hosted brother Tore Gangsø and his wife.

At the beginning there was a prayer – the blessing of the youngest children. Eight families brought their little ones to be blessed.

Brother Tore, prayed for them, before exhorting us all to carry these children in our prayers. To take it seriously, to stand strong, to build high walls around them, so that the lord of this world would not deceive any of them.

Like Jesus in the gospel of Mar. 10:13-16, we do in the church.

After the song 158 “We welcome you little guest,” containing blessings for each child, Brother Tore read from 1.Tim. 3. 15 i 4.1

The foundation is established, but at the end time people are deceived by various spirits. One can be bound by a humanitarian spirit – I want to be so good to everyone, tolerant. But we are to be vigilant, not to sleep, to go out against Satan.

For this the whole armor of God is necessary. Eph.6:10-13 – “Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day and, having accomplished everything, to stand firm.”

This is fantastic armor. It is to be in place, not to put it away, to use the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, the shield of faith with which we will put out the fiery missiles of the evil one.

To fight in full armor, to watch with perseverance, to pray and fight for children and young people. “With such people, we can go into battle – armed, ready,” he added. – concluded Brother Gangsø.

In song 239 we sang

“Hear the trumpet, my brother, sound forth
From God’s throne to us here on the earth.
Come and join the battle throng,
Armed with God’s full armor on.”

One by one, the brothers joined in this Word to use the sword and have the whole armor of God.

Brother Piotr Pilch read from Ezek. 22:30 to be the one who will stand in the breach with the strength I have, and God will come to my aid and strengthen me.

Don’t be lazy, but offer your body as a sacrifice. The children are to see how their father, mother react and thus be enthralled with Jesus.