Sunday service, Apr. 21st

Rom. 8:3-4 “For what the Law could not accomplish, in which it was weak because of the flesh, this God accomplished by sending His Son in the form of sinful flesh, offering it for sin, condemning sin in the flesh.” These words of Rev. Paul were read by Brother Piotr Pilch, giving the example of Paul as he struggled because he wanted to live a godly life. He did not stop praying until he bore fruit. He had a burning desire to always be pure.

Rom. 7:1-6 “But now we have been freed from the law, having put to death that by which we were mastered, so that we serve in newness of spirit, and not according to an obsolete letter – v.6.”
In the same way, we are to be thoroughly pure. Not pretending, not blaming others, not being satisfied with looking okay on the outside. We become more and more free as we condemn sin in the flesh, like Jesus.

Brother Jerzy Polok also joined the words of Rev. Paul in Rom. 7:4 – I must die to the law in order to bear fruit for God. The Word is there to judge us, to educate us. I can discover more things in myself, cooperate with God. We still have time to purify ourselves, it’s a process.

In song 239 we sang:
“Spirit and heat is to be in us,
Death works, and the debt is paid already…”

Brother Dawid Pilch read from Psalm 12:7 how pure the words of the Lord are. When I receive them, they burn my flesh, but my spirit is cleansed.

All brothers and sisters expressed the desire not to live according to the flesh, not to live before people, but to let themselves be transformed into the image of Jesus.