On the last day of the year, we gathered together to say goodbye to the outgoing 2021 and welcome the New Year.
At the beginning, Ruben Nooitgedagt encouraged us to live a life of sincere devotion to Jesus without exception. No one can serve two masters (Matt. 6:24).
The congregation was then encouraged to share their testimonies of thankfulness. The evening was a great blessing with nearly 100 brothers and sisters speaking. There were words of thanks for God’s grace, the gospel, the purity of the preaching, the brothers and sisters, the new church building, and the circumstances of each day, wife, husband, children, parents.
Finally, Brother Peter Pilch lifted up the congregation to not be afraid of what is to come, despite the uncertainty of the world, because for the faithful all things are for blessing. (Romans 8:28)
To welcome the New Year, we heard a duet from brothers Edwin and Aksel.
Excerpt from the song KM 902:
“Jesus, in Thy dear name, we begin the New Year
And to Thee alone all our thoughts are still flowing.
With grace, with power, with Thy light come today into the hearts of children.
Give more life and joy than has been in them so far…
You teach us all to use the time of grace properly,
Let us count our days, give us great wisdom.
Let none of us miss the new year of grace.
It may be the last – as it was once for many.”