for Kościół Aktywnych Chrześcijan in Rzeczpospolita Polska

Mission and objectives

KOACh is a Christian Church which defines itself in paragraph 1 of its statutes as:

The Church of Active Christians in the Republic of Poland, hereinafter referred to as the Church, is a congregation of voluntary believers who profess the faith principles of the New Testament.

The objective of KOACh is to help its congregation live a Christian life in their daily practical circumstances.

KOACh has the following task, as set out in paragraph 6 of the Statutes:

The task of the Church consists of:

  1. To cultivate the Christian way of living among its members, families and sympathizers.
  2. Teaching from the Holy Scriptures and spreading knowledge about them.
  3. Christian education of children and youth.

For this purpose the Church organizes public church services with focus on spreading the word of God.

Method of realisation of objectives

Arranging the following on a weekly basis:

    • Sunday Church services for people all ages
    • Sunday school for children
    • Specific youth services

Arranging the following on a monthly or less regular basis:

    • Christian conferences with multiple services over a weekend and various Churches invited.
    • International conferences with Christians from various countries.

Source and use of funds

KOACh raises funds by receiving gifts from its congregation, or occasionally their companies and from the fundraising company OMTI which KOACh owns 100% of.

Funds are applied to the operational costs of the KOACh, including:

    • Maintenance and utility costs
    • Repairs to church buildings
    • Costs related to preparatory work (eg architect fees) in relation to a planned new Church building in Ustron
    • Donations to the missionary work abroad
    • Costs of church activities, eg Sunday school expenses and costs of conferences

Budget for next years

(Amounts in 1 000 PLN)  
2022 year 2023 year
Membership donations 1 300 1 400
Other donations 650 650
Dividends from own company 1 000 300
TOTAL 2 950 2 350
Expenses 2022 year 2023 year
Construction 500 200
Maintenance and Church local costs 500 600
Church activities – statutory purposes 1 000 1 000
Donations towards Christian missionary work 500 500
TOTAL 2 500 2 300
450 50

Financial governance of assets

KOACh has an equity to be able to finance the above mentioned activities in the near future, which is why it holds several assets (like property/church buildings) to perform its objective. The board is responsible for the maintenance and governance of these assets.

Remuneration of the Council of Elders, who are also referred to as the ‘Board’

The Council of Elders are not remunerated.