Senior meeting, March 16th
We can have a peace that surpasses all understanding despite what is happening in the world right now. With these

Sunday service, March 6th
The service began with a prayer in which, among other things, we asked God to embrace Ukraine and our Ukrainian

Weekend, Feb 27th
On Sunday, the 27th February 2022 we had a service with brothers from Norway who had been invited to the

Family days, Feb 18-20
On the 18th through 20th of February, a traditional winter family day was held for all members of the church.

Youth weekend 11-13. Feb.
Between the 11th and 13th of February 2022 we had an international youth weekend. Young people from Hungary, Romania, Ukraine,

Sunday service, Feb 6th
At the Sunday service on the 6th of February 2022, Brother Witek Czyż cited the example of Moses, who did

Senior meeting, Feb 2nd
On the 2nd of February 2022, we had our first meeting for everyone over the age of 35. The meeting,

Extraordinary General Meeting, Jan 30th
On Sunday the 30th of January an extraordinary general meeting of ZSCh members was held. The purpose of the meeting

Sunday service, Jan 23rd
Song 290, verse 4. from The Ways of the Lord“Precious Jesus, teach me how to walk in prayer;Every law Thou