We are a church community with 335 members located in Ustroń and Wrocław. We gather together around 3 times per week at Sunday, Wednesday and Youth meetings. During these meetings we listen to preaching from God’s Word, we give our personal testimonies and we sing and pray together. We are thankful for the fellowship and the edification we experience whenever we are together.
The foundation of our faith
On the basis of the gospel preached by Jesus Christ – as we read in the Word of God and as set out in the Apostles’ Creed – we believe in the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Bible as Scripture and the inspired Word of God. It contains all that man needs for salvation and is for us the greatest authority and basis of our actions.
We can only be saved through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Bible teaches us that we will attain the forgiveness of sins through this faith alone, without our works or merits. (Rom. 3:24,28.)
As Christians, we are also called to follow and be disciples of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:21)
We confess that by God’s grace and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we can live in continual progressive sanctification. (Phil. 3:7-8; Heb. 12.14.)
Our values
We show respect for all people and respect their values. We respect freedom of self-determination, both in matters of political choices and in the shaping of family life.
By transmitting Christian values we contribute to our members becoming responsible and committed citizens and thus making a positive contribution to our society.
We show love and care for all people.
In line with the missionary mandate given to us by Jesus, we encourage people to follow him and live as his disciples.
Marriage between a man and a woman and the families that grow out of it are the nucleus of a functioning society. That is why families and especially children are particularly worth protecting.
We condemn violence, bullying and abuse of all kinds, including violent and harassing behaviour, especially towards children and women, as well as pornography and all forms of sexual humiliation.
Therefore, we do not tolerate punishable, intentional misconduct among us; cooperation with state authorities is essential for us in this field.
We create an atmosphere in which those affected can receive help safely and in confidence.
We are committed to ensuring that young people experience a happy childhood and adolescence. Therefore, working with children and youth is of crucial importance to us.
We value a diverse range of activities and actions, also on a national and international level. Children and young people should develop into independent personalities according to their abilities and be able to take responsibility themselves. We create conditions that enable the next generation to live in a community with good framework conditions.