Brother Witold began with a word from 1 Timothy 1:5-7: “And the goal of what I have commanded is love flowing from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from faith that is not hypocritical, What some have not attained and have fallen into idle talk, They want to be teachers of the Law, and do not properly understand either what they say or what they claim.”
This goal is not automatically realized as we get older by attending gatherings. It is important that we consciously work on ourselves daily.
Phil. 2:20-22: “For I have no other that is so sincerely concerned about you; For all others seek their own, and not that of Christ Jesus. After all, you know that he is tried, for as a child to his father, so he has ministered the gospel with me.”
Paul had many associates, but only one who did not aim to seek his own. This is an ambitious goal, but as possible.
Brother Peter P. quoted the word from Gal 5:26: “Let us not be desirous of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one another.”
When we obey the Word, there are no battles over service and importance, and the hidden life with God becomes most important. I radiate in Christ even as I am unappreciated and my merits will not see the light of day.
Excerpt from DP 143 song:
No self-serving, always given,
Offered night and day—
No demands, by God’s will driven,
‘Tis salvation’s way.
Have compassion; walk discreetly.
To the weak show care.
Humbly serving, bow completely—
We this priv’lege share.
Traditionally, in the second part of the meeting, parallel Sunday schools were held for children, during which they learn about Bible stories and their interpretation for the daily life of a child.